Board of Directors Nomination Form 2020

Nomination Deadline: Monday, October 5, 2020
CCPA members may nominate themselves or any colleague who is a General Member in good standing. General Members are members whose businesses are located within the Center City zip codes: 19101, 19102, 19103, 19104, 19106, 19107, 19109, 19123, 19130, 19146, and 19147. Member businesses located outside these geographic boundaries are Associate Members.

The CCPA Board of Directors is a working board that establishes the policies and helps implement the programs and activities of the Association. Board Members are required to attend six board meetings each year. Board meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every other month from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM. (Officers meet monthly.) In addition, Board Members average another 2-4 hours per month on related activities such as chairing committees and attending or assisting at events. It is understood that board members take an active role in one or more of three key areas: enrollment, participation, fundraising.

• Inviting and accompanying a friend or associate to visit CCPA.
• Actively assisting with the planning and administration of CCPA's special events.
• Recommending a potential candidate for the Board of Directors.
• Welcoming at or moderating CCPA events.
• Securing a volunteer or in-kind donation for the organization.

• Serving as Chair or member of a committee or special task force.
• Serving as a CCPA Ambassador, welcoming prospective CCPA members and other attendees to several events per year.

• Making a firm commitment to recruit a set number of new members each year.
• Sponsoring a CCPA event.
• Joining CCPA at a higher level of membership.
• Making a personal (and if possible business) contribution to CCPA's annual operating needs.


Please answer the following questions and click submit by Monday, October 5, 2020.
If you have any questions, contact CCPA at 215-545-7766 or