CCPA Q&A with Member Marissa Taffer, M. Taffer Consulting

1. What is your favorite spot in Philly to disappear for some alone time? Definitely the spa. They frown on cell phones in there so I really and truly can be off the grid without leaving the city. I recently got to check out the spa at the new Four Seasons. Watching the sunset from 57 stories above the city was incredible. Even better in a fluffy robe with a glass of champagne! 
2. What is a non-profit that you support? Other than CCPA? I'm currently involved with two other nonprofits and try to keep some hours in my business open for pro bono consulting. I am a co-founder of She Steps Up. We are a group that helps women, trans and non-binary folks reach their true potential both personally and professionally. We create community, resources, and support by hosting events and pushing thought leadership that focuses on self-advocacy at work, financial planning, personal wellness and more. I am also an active member of Comfort Caring Canines. My dog Charlie and I do therapy visits around the city. We also write and edit their blog! 
3. What was your first job? Scooping ice cream at Baskin Robbins in Dresher when I was 16.
4. What is your best networking tip?  There are so many ways to network. I always tell people to make networking work for their goals and personality style. Some people will say you have to work the room at a networking event. If you're a true introvert that might seem completely overwhelming and offputting. In that case, maybe try to make 1-2 good connections at the event. There are so many ways to network now both online and in-person so do your homework and find what works best for you.
5. It’s Sunday at 10 AM. Where are you? Headhouse Market. I like to get there right at 10 for first pick at the best produce. I sometimes have to make two trips. My dog also likes to visit the market. He is not the best at helping me shop, but he loves to grab some cheese samples from our friend Sue Miller at Birchrun Hills. Charlie recommends the cheddar and Birchrun Blue is my favorite!

Marissa Taffer, Founder & President, M. Taffer Consulting