Driving Growth Throughout Philadelphia: PIDC’s 2023 Annual Review

Jodie Harris is President of PIDC, Philadelphia’s public-private economic development corporation, which offers flexible financing tools, industrial and commercial real estate solutions, and business support services to help local businesses thrive across Philadelphia.

I am pleased to present PIDC’s 2023 Annual Review, highlighting our commitment to driving economic growth and fostering equitable development across Philadelphia. Despite the challenges posed by the global landscape, we have remained resilient, adaptive, and proactive in our efforts to support small businesses, spur real estate developments, facilitate lending, and administer grants for the betterment of our community.

Since assuming the role as President of PIDC in June of last year, I have witnessed the incredible dedication of the PIDC team, and of our clients, partners, and stakeholders, who come together to drive growth in our city. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

Throughout 2023, PIDC continued to leverage strategic partnerships, innovative financing solutions, and targeted initiatives to stimulate economic vitality and enhance the city’s competitiveness on a regional and national scale.

Last year, PIDC closed on 205 financial transactions investing nearly $333 million across the city. Clients include construction and contractor firms, fresh food providers and supermarkets, healthcare and medical clinics, and education providers—demonstrating our role as a mission driven economic development corporation. PIDC continues to reimagine the Philadelphia Navy Yard, a 1,200-acre campus home to 15,000 employees and 150+ companies. The Navy Yard’s 20-Year Master Plan will add 4.3 million square feet of new construction and adaptive reuse supporting commercial and life sciences development, retail, hospitality, welcoming open spaces, expanded transit options, and—for the first time since the military base closure—residential units.

PIDC’s achievements in 2023 underscore our unwavering commitment to driving inclusive growth, fostering innovation, and building a resilient economy that benefits all Philadelphians.

As we look ahead, we remain steadfast in our mission to empower businesses, revitalize communities, and create jobs for Philadelphians. The PIDC team looks forward to working with and supporting Mayor Cherelle Parker’s Administration, City Council, and the broader business community to expand economic opportunities to every corner of Philadelphia.

Philadelphia-based businesses interested in exploring PIDC's financing opportunities, real estate solutions, or business support services can do so by submitting an inquiry on PIDCphila.com.